Remmi Työpalvelu Oy is a newly established company that connects jobseekers and employers in a new way. Remmi is an impartial service that helps both employers and jobseekers. With the help of its strong support group, Remmi finds solutions one company and individual at a time. Remmi provides jobseekers with personal guidance and a path to finding work that matches their skills.
There are more than 250,000 unemployed jobseekers and some 65,000 partially disabled people in Finland. Most of them would like to work. At the same time, there are as many as 170,000 job vacancies, and many employers are facing labour shortages. There is a labour market mismatch in Finland. This is costly from a human perspective and from the perspective of society. Various estimates put the cost to society at EUR 6–10 billion per year.
Remmi focuses in free resources.
Remmi operates by DEI principles believing that everybody has value in the right task and job. All kind of jobseekers without a job are welcome to Remmi.
Remmi’s customers are job seekers, employers and organisation who represent various types of jobseekers. Anyone, including those for whom it is difficult to find work.
Finnish, English, Swedish and, where necessary, in other languages with the help of an interpreter.
The employer sends their contact details to Remmi using the form provided on the website. Remmi then contacts the company to discuss their labour needs in more detail.
After discussing the company’s situation, Remmi looks for suitable candidates for the employer through its extensive partner network.
The jobseeker sends their contact details to Remmi using the form provided on the website. Remmi then contacts the jobseeker to discuss their skills and wishes. After discussing the jobseeker’s situation, Remmi looks for suitable employers through its extensive partner network.
Remmi has no physical office. Please see contacts for the phone and email details.
Remmi is owned by a support group of about 80 entrepreneurs, corporate executives and business owners who want to make a contribution to improving the challenging employment situation in Finland.
By contacting Chairman of the Board Mika Mustakallio.
Chairman of the Board Mika Mustakallio, and Members of the Board Sini Klockars, Kaisa Rotkirch, Sampo Suihko, Pekka Suominen, Timo Toukola and Mats Wolontis.
Most of the company’s revenue is generated from staff leasing services. Revenue is also generated from the provision of employment services, and from the Remmi “Job Seeking Friend” -coaching services.
Remmi’s profits are used in their entirety to promote employment and develop Remmi.
The members of the support group.
This is ensured by Remmi’s shareholder agreement.
Remmi’s operations support and complement public employment services. Remmi’s goal is to develop effective cooperation with various labour market participants to achieve its objective of helping jobseekers.