Everyone with the right – and the will – to work in Finland should be able to find a job that suits them.
Remmi is a young and growing service that connects jobseekers and employers. It is a recruitment and staff leasing company that focuses on free resources.
Remmi operates by DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) principles. Diversity exists in many ways. In addition to the often thought physical or mental differences in people, diversity also includes culture, profession, experience, age and language stills.
Diversified working cultures provide better working climate, which further on provides better motivation among the employees. Better motivation leads to better profitability.
To know you – To recommend you – DEI – Free resources
For jobseekers
Click here to register yourself for Remmi interview. Better to get among the top 3-5 recommended by Remmi applicants, than risk to stay invisible among 400+ applicants in the cv piles. Which way you think serves you better?
For employers
Click here and tell who are you looking for. Better to select directly our interviewed and recommended top 3-5 candidates, than you to get drowned in a pile of 400+ applications. Which way serves you better?
Why Remmi?
There is labour market mismatch in Finland.
More than 250,000 unemployed jobseekers and some 65,000 partially disabled people in Finland would like to work. At the same time, there are as many as 170,000 job vacancies, and many employers are facing labour shortages.
This is costly from a human perspective and from the perspective of the society. Various estimates put the cost at EUR 6–10 billion per year.
Remmi aims to narrow the gap by connecting jobseekers and employers in a new entrepreneurial way.
Remmi is different.
To know you – To recommend you – DEI – Free resources
Remmi focuses to get to know the job seeker properly to be able to recommend the job seeker to a suitable task and company. Remmi operates by respecting the DEI principles. Remmi concentrates only on free resources.
Although Remmi is a limited liability company, it operates using its profits entirety to promote the growth of Remmi, i.e. to employ more people.

Remmi Support Group
Remmi is actively supported by a group of about 80 entrepreneurs, corporate executives and business owners who want to make a contribution to improving the challenging employment situation in Finland.
Remmi is assisted by this extensive support group. They help companies to find suitable employees and guide jobseekers personally through the entire recruitment process towards employment.
In accordance with our values, we treat everyone with respect and without prejudice. We believe that everyone has valuable strengths and that there is a place in working life for everybody who wants to find one. We will continue our efforts until we have achieved our goal.